
 In Teachings from the ‘Field’

There are two types of tears commonly shed in The Constellation Approach (TCA), Tears of Sadness and Tears of Relief. Our tears tell us that whatever is occurring for us in this moment in time it is very real and to pay attention.  Tears of Sadness will precede our Tears of Relief.

Tears of Sadness are released in TCA when we confront a loss or come into contact with a deep longing in our hearts. Tears of Sadness confirm we are deep within our emotional state of consciousness. We have moved from the mental level into the broader emotional aspect of our being. We are in touch with our feelings. Our Tears of Sadness are the lubricant loosening the hinges on our heart. These waters carry away what has been missing or lost. For some it may be a single tear from the corner of an eye. For others the Tears of Sadness may go on for several minutes.

Tears of Relief are shed after we have broken through our resistance to feeling our sadness or longing. Like a stream after a storm, the waters of sadness have passed and fresh, clear waters of relief begin to flow through us and out our eyes. We cry Tears of Relief when we can see and feel before us what we love in the depths of our hearts and Soul.

A child who has lost their mother too early will first release Tears of Sadness in a Constellation until they are ready to reconnect with the spirit of their mother.  Once they have moved into the phase of ego in TCA where the last vestiges of resistance lie they can enter into the state of relief. Here the desire for reconnection or deepening connection creates the opening for the Tears of Relief to flow. These tears feel completely different. Tears of Relief are the waters that lead to the Soul. The quality of crying has shifted. Tears of Relief will often be followed by a smile and brightening of the eyes. There is very little shyness when we are crying Tears of Relief. Our auric field expands and we are filled with new energy. These tears are the tears that bring us closer to Soul consciousness and the awareness of our Soul connections that transcends time and any feelings of loss.

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