Agreeing to All of It

 In Bert Hellinger’s Core Teachings, Family Constellation Fundamentals, Teachings from the ‘Field’, Universal Themes

Oh, may this be the one who will bring forward the good, true and
beautiful in our Family Lineage.  Oh, may this be the one
who will break the harmful family patterns.

– Old European Ancestral saying, pg. 279, TCA** 

To break the harmful family patterns that continue to bind us, someone must step up and do the work. In The Constellation Approach™ and at the very foundation of all Family Constellation philosophy, threads of negative consciousness are released through agreeing to all of it. Difficult, painful, hurtful, even barbaric things have occurred in our family lineage. All the wishing or vengeance can’t change fate.  However, what can change our future is facing and entering the field of consciousness in which the traumas occurred and agreeing to them as part of our Family Soul’s fate.  Through the simple, yet deeply profound process of saying “Yes, I agree to it,” the entanglement or attachment to it begins to release and our individual as well as our collective Family Soul becomes freer of its past pain and suffering.

Direct Experience:

Allow yourself to imagine a difficult situation that occurred in your family lineage. Choose either your mother’s or father’s side.  Try to select something that had an overarching effect on your family, such as a conflict, illness or loss.  Image your ancestor – father, mother, grandparent, aunt, and so on…to whom this event occurred.  Then, allow yourself to imagine a Meta-representative for the ‘It.’

Try placing three objects as place markers on the table before you to represent – you, your ancestor and ‘It’ – to create a constellation.  Take your time, allow the story to materialize in your mind.

When you’re ready, say to your ancestor, “Yes, that occurred to you and within our Family Soul. I agree to all of it.”  Allow yourself to repeat this phrase three times slowly and give space after each time to allow the energy that follows the words to affect you. 

Then, let yourself envision the Meta-representation for ‘It’ in your mind’s eye, or gaze upon the object you’ve placed upon the table. “Yes, I agree to you and the effect you have had on all of us,” repeating three times, also. When complete, bow your head.

Now, turn your representative away from your ancestor and the ‘It.’ Allow the feelings and energy of release to course through your body.  You can continue this Direct Experience with other relationships and events currently in your life. Each of us has a lot to agree to in this life.

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