The Holidays, Connection and Zoom

 In Brief Constellation Experiences, Family Constellation Fundamentals

All things are balanced over time. The Order of Balance is one of the three Orders of Love in Family Constellations. (Precedence and Inclusion are the other two orders.) The practice of giving and receiving a gift is an energetic opportunity to make deep Soul contact with another.

The gift, with one Soul offering and one Soul receiving, is the bridge that helps honor and balance the relationship. The greatest gift you can give is to acknowledge the Soul of the other by connecting through the eyes and saying, “Thank you” or “I really appreciate you in my life.” Equally, when receiving, do the same, taking the time to connect through the eyes, acknowledging his or her contribution to your life, and thanking their Soul. Fully receiving the other is also a gift to them. A sacred moment of balance will result between you.

In these Zoom times, there is an opportunity through our screens to really stop and connect with another through their eyes. As difficult as online connection can be, there is a unique opportunity this year.  As you connect with family, friends and loved ones through this medium that Zoom offers, you can take advantage of the precious moment you have together on screen. Without the usual distractions present, and the camera focused on the face, the eyes are often more available, more accessible.

Remember, “the eyes are the windows to the Soul.” Ask the person you are talking with to pause for a moment. Let them know you’d like to say something to them and look into their eyes. Ask them to do the same, to look into your eyes for a bit too. Lean into the camera, pause, let yourself make deep eye contact together.  Then, say your words of gratitude and appreciation for them. After you have spoken, allow the energy that follows the words to transmit though your eyes and theirs with a smile. This could be the best gift you give this year.

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