The Dynamics of Physical Disease and Mental Illness

 In Brief Constellation Experiences, Family Constellation Fundamentals

Three primary dynamics contribute to an Entanglement of disease or illness in a Family Lineage. A fourth dynamic, we believe, is karmic having to do with an individual’s samskaras, what they brought into this lifetime to evolve.

The First Dynamic is illustrated by the phrase, “I’ll be like you.”  In an action of love and loyalty, this person imitates characteristics of another family member to keep them connected.  “I’ll follow you” is another form of love and loyalty, often showing up toward the end of a person’s life or during a life-threatening disease.

The Second Dynamic is illustrated by the phrase, “I’ll remember you.”  Stemming from the Order of Inclusion – everyone has the right to belong – in this act of honoring someone, a person may represent a member of a previous generation or a family member who is excluded by exhibiting similar maladies or traits.

The Third Dynamic is signified by the phrase, “I’ll do it for you.”  This Entanglement born of Blind Love can be released by awareness that respecting individual fate is the very foundation of equality between Souls.

Since Soul consciousness is not limited by linear time, a Constellation can help a person develop a different perspective on his or her fate and the fate of others.  And, with this greater awareness, each of us is able to carry her or his burdens with a greater sense of honesty and self-respect as well as having more respect for those who carry a heavy burden.

Direct Experience with Physical Disease and Mental Illness

Decide on a person who carries physical disease or mental illness that you want to examine.  This can be a current family member, an ancestor, or yourself.  Place an object to represent him or her and an object for the disease or illness.

Focus on the object that represents the person who carries the physical disease or mental illness and choose one or two of the following Words of Empowerment to say aloud.  It is important to allow space in between looking at the objects and speaking the Words of Empowerment.  It is in the silent space that insights and new awareness come.

I see that this disease/illness is part of you/me
In this way, we are alike.
You/I have carried this disease/illness for all of us.
I see now why this disease/illness has been part of your/my life.
I’ll leave this disease/illness with you now.

You are a part of me.
You have been part of our Family for a long time.
I accept you and the gifts that you have brought me/us.
You are the right disease/illness for me.
I agree to you (name disease/illness) and all that comes with it.
I will carry you (name disease/illness) a little differently now.

Notice, without judgement, what comes.

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