Exploring Energy Fields

 In Family Constellation Fundamentals

In The Constellation Approach, we perceive the self as an energetic vehicle of consciousness seeking wholeness and balance. If we are to move toward peace with our respective family lineages, it is important to recognize ourselves in each of these fields of energy.

The Individual Energy Field is comprised of the auric field and the chakra system. Within our auric field are seven chakras that function like invisible vertices gathering and transmitting knowledge and energy concerning our life’s experience.

Imagine concentric circles that begin with your individual energy field, then your parents’ and siblings’ energy field. The grandparents and their siblings come next and so on, extending further outward several generations. We call this the Family Energy Field.

The Family Energy Field serves as the basis for exploring our relationships and finding solutions to unresolved issues.  This field is the body of consciousness that is created when setting up a Constellation.  It is specific to each Client and offers a unique representation of his/her family.  No two are exactly alike.

The Ancestral Energy Field is the powerful spiritual presence that is the guiding force behind the healing done in The Constellation Approach. We ask for the presence and for the permission of our ancestors to help us with our sacred work.

Exercise to explore Individual and Family Energy Fields:

Think of an issue/experience where you feel unresolved or are seeking peace.  Write it in the middle of a piece of paper. Draw a circle around your words, close your eyes and sit with it quietly.  Let yourself feel and notice whatever comes up. Allow your mind to wander around your body, noticing how different parts of you feel about the issue.   Observe when judgments arise and where you are more curious. Jot down what you perceived.

Then draw a circle around your first circle, leaving plenty of room between.  Write the names of your Mother, Father, and Siblings around the circle. Sit quietly with your  issue in the presence of your family.  When you feel ready, ask each person in your family, “What do you want to tell me about this situation?”  “What do you want for me?”  “How can I find peace?” Write down what you receive.  Drawing another circle around your family, continue this process with your grandparents, even if you never knew them.  You can explore as many generations of family as you like, using more concentric circles.

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