Gratitude Frees the Soul

 In Bert Hellinger’s Core Teachings, Family Constellation Fundamentals, Soul Nature

An analogy that we like to use in The Constellation Approach™ is that life is like a large chessboard. Each of us is standing in our place on a particular square in relation to an opposing member from our life. It may be our mother, father, sibling, a previous relationship or even a physical disease or a particular difficult event from our past. Our Soul is literally blocked from moving forward. Unlike chess, our goal is not to defeat the other but rather to come to peace with this person or occurrence. The Constellation Approach offers a clear pathway through the levels of consciousness, through the process of acknowledging, accepting and agreeing and eventually to having gratitude for this person or circumstance in our life and for lessons learned. Gratitude is the gateway to experience Peace in the Soul in relation to another human being or a difficult life situation. The practice of gratitude opens our inner eye to spiritual understanding and releases the conflicted feelings for the other.
To hear participants share how this process affected them, please view the video “Experience of Participants.”

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