Journey of the Soul 1

 In Bert Hellinger’s Core Teachings, Family Constellation Fundamentals, Soul Nature

Our life is really our Soul’s journey disguised in human form. Each of us has the capacity to align with our Soul nature if we choose to. Once we become awake and aware, our lives are never the same. We see that each human Soul is on their own path, living his or her life—an almost endless variety of forms across the planet. The CEO and the trash collector are equal in the pursuit of their Soul nature. They learn, grow, and evolve as their Soul chooses—the same as everyone else.

Our destiny, however, is determined by our awakened actions in relation to our unique fate. Agreeing to our Soul nature requires knowing who we are—not from an egocentric point of view, but from the center of our being—with open-mindedness and peace. When we understand who we are, we can develop insight into how to livehow to move forward, how to act, and how to contribute meaningfully—to personal, familial, and societal consciousness, for the benefit of all.

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